Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category


Nov. 12, 2019: Full Moon in Mercury Retrograde

November 12, 2019


Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Full Moon in Taurus
Neptune Retrograde
Uranus Retrograde
Mercury Retrograde

A full moon in Mercury Retrograde. Fun, right?

My mantra for Mercury Retrograde is: stay low, stay quiet, go shopping.

By “shopping” I mean at thrift shops or sales, where you can get good deals. Not big ticket items.

Most of the time, Mercury Retrograde leaves me feeling like the character in the painting “The Scream.”

It is a time to resolve issues from the past. I’m always tickled at the impulse to hunt down people I knew and lost touch with; a few days ago, I heard from someone I knew over twenty years ago, with whom I reconnected two or three Mercury Retrogrades back, but hadn’t heard from since.

Mercury goes direct on the 20th. Just do the best you can, every day. Try not to be too hard on yourself.



Nov. 5: Tending the Dead — The Lost

November 5, 2019

image courtesy of bergedder via

What happens to those who die with no one to mourn for them?

Tonight’s ceremony is to honor those who are forgotten and/or lost.

They deserve care and dignity.


Nov. 4: Tending The Dead – Souls Preparing to Incarnate

November 4, 2019

image courtesy if Activedia via

I still wrestle with the concept of reincarnation. Technically, it is part of my path. I have many questions.

However, wherever I am on the spectrum that particular year, I take time tonight to honor those preparing to reincarnate.



Wed. Sept. 18: Saturn Goes Direct

September 18, 2019

image courtesy of 8385 via

Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Waning Moon
Pluto Retrograde
Neptune Retrograde
Uranus Retrograde

Saturn is set to go direct today, but what does that mean?

Different things for all of us, depending on our charts.

Saturn is a planet of life lessons. For me, when it is in retrograde, things are up in the air, and any obstacle I didn’t appropriately deal with in the previous Saturn retrograde cycle comes back and kicks me in the ass. I’m still struggling in my second Saturn Return as well, so the past few months, I’ve felt pretty pounded.

Heap the other retrogrades on top of that, and to say I need a nap is an understatement.

Jupiter going direct in August helped lift some of that pressure. When Jupiter is direct, homelife and work life tend to be on a more even keel, and I’d really like that. With both Jupiter and Saturn retrograde, the changes I know I have to make have been blocked. Everything is harder.

It eased a bit when Jupiter went direct, although what I thought I was working toward turned out to take a different turn. Which is okay. I’m redefining what I want and need out of my work.

With Saturn going direct today, I hope some more obstacles will be removed to the progress I want and need to make in the next few months. Pluto retrograde is usually a positive for me (revelations of what’s hidden). Neptune retrograde is slowing down my creative energy, but I’m dealing with it. Uranus retrograde also makes everything slower and harder, too, as far as projects. So, this stack of retrogrades has made everything I need to do take ten times longer and make me work ten times harder.

The positive in this is that when I hit obstacles in this stack, it makes me re-evaluate. Some of the directions I thought I wanted to go in spring are proving to be the wrong choice for me, some decisions were made out of fear and panic rather than weighing the options and the needs. The obstacles are giving me the chance to change direction before I get mired.

But the level of exhaustion and self-doubt and despair it causes at times make this a difficult transition.

Breaking big projects down into smaller tasks, while still keeping an eye on the long term are helpful.

One of these days, I’ll stop being so exhausted, and then I can really get into gear.

Let’s hope the forced time into inner work pays off when it’s time to act.

How does Saturn Retrograde affect you? When it goes direct, what shifts for you? I’d love to hear in the comments.


Sat. Sept. 14, 2019: Full Moon

September 14, 2019

image by mac8oppo via

Saturday, September 14, 2019
Full Moon
Pluto Retrograde
Saturn Retrograde
Neptune Retrograde
Uranus Retrograde

The last couple of weeks have been difficult, to say the least. We lost our beloved rescue cat Lucy, to an inoperable liver tumor. She was only with us for 13 months.

I would not trade a minute that we had with her. She was a joyful, sweet soul.

But the anger mingled with the grief cannot be ignored.

I suspect the person who rehomed her knew she was sick, and didn’t tell us. That makes me angry. The vet never caught it until it was too late. That makes me angry.

It also brings up the question: is anyone actually out there and do they listen?

One of the reasons I dislike the Big Three religions so much is that “faith” means keep believing, keep working, keep hoping even if you get nothing in return.

I need a spiritual path with more reciprocity.

It gives me a lot to think about, with few answers. But at least I’m asking the questions.

What has this full moon brought up for you?


Thurs. Aug. 29, 2019: Dark Moon Release

August 29, 2019

image courtesy of MatteoBergamo vis

Thursday, August 29, 2019
Dark Moon
Pluto Retrograde
Saturn Retrograde
Neptune Retrograde
Uranus Retrograde
Rainy and warm

The 2020 Spell-a-Day Almanacs have shipped. I just turned in an article for the 2021 Witches’ Companion. So I thought it should get back to posting on the blog, when and where appropriate.


Dark Moon. It’s a time of low light, at least as far as the moon is concerned. But it’s also a day of huge power as far as releasing what we no longer need, pushing or cutting away what no longer works.

The day before the dark moon is my lowest energy day of the month. It’s hard to do anything, to focus on anything.

But the dark moon itself feels powerful. I am motivated to clean, both on physical and emotional levels, in preparation for a new cycle.

How will I deal with that today?

Tonight, in my before-bed meditation, I won’t even light candles. I will sit in the dark. I will release something specific (that I cannot discuss publicly) that is blocking me from moving forward the way I need to. I will push it from my life so that tomorrow, I can make a fresh start.

There are plenty of cutting away rituals and separation rituals. Over time, I am sure we will discuss them. But tonight, on this particular night, I want a quiet separation, not something dramatic.

Remember, even when you release energy, you should still ground before and after. Grounding helps keep you steady, and prevents stuck energy from giving you dis-ease.

Tonight, I will sit.

Tonight, I will follow my breath.

Tonight, I will relax into the release.



Ostara 2018

March 20, 2018


Tues. March 20, 2018
Waxing Moon

In spite of the constant onslaught of storms, today is the Spring Equinox, otherwise known as Ostara.

A day for rebirth; in the Northern Hemisphere, the beginning of Spring (hopefully).

Not so here, on Cape Cod in a physical sense.

However, we have more daylight (always a good thing, especially during power outages). The cats are losing their winter coats. They’re also more playful and interested in what’s going on outside.

The bunnies are around (they took refuge on the deck in the bad weather). The squirrels are busy finding the last of the nuts they buried, and rearranging the tulip bulbs. If past years are any indication, the tulip arrangements will be lovely, albeit in odd places.

It’s time, again, for the wheel to turn and for there to be positive change.

Personally, the last year and change have been difficult. I suspect I’m in my Saturn Return again (it was early the first time). I have a lot of obstacles to surmount in the coming months, but I feel more optimistic about them than I have lately.

The writing is going well (most days), the websites have moved hosts and most of them are live. Cerridwen’s Cottage is up on the new host, with its new design, although not all of the content has been loaded yet. I’m keeping up my daily yoga and meditation practices, and my seasonal alignments. I’m more aware of the shifts in light and temperature and all the rest, more in rhythm with it. Intentionally so.

There is plenty that still needs to shift, that needs a bit of a push so that it shifts in the way I want and need it to do, rather than just shifting to shift, and staying stagnant.

I am NOT looking forward to Mercury Retrograde starting in two days. But I hope my coping skills have grown since last time. I hope that, by being careful and thoughtful, I can face the M.R. obstacles with more grace.

I will plant today, lettuce and tomato seeds, and perhaps some pumpkins. I will plant and nurture, both inner and outer worlds.

Blessed Equinox!

May you have a beautiful day to dawn a beautiful cycle.


Thurs. Dec. 21, 2017: Winter Solstice

December 21, 2017


Thurs. Dec. 21, 2017
Waxing Moon
Uranus Retrograde
Mercury Retrograde
Sunny and cold
Winter Solstice

Winter Solstice is one of my favorite holidays, especially now that I live in a house and have a fire place.

I observe a tradition that the group with whom I worked in New York City observed – we let the sun set completely on Solstice, without turning on any lights, until it’s completely dark. Then, we light the Needfire first (here, it is the fireplace; in New York City, if outside, it was the Sacred Hibachi, or, if inside, the candles floating in the cauldron). We speak a blessing about the return of the light, and then we go around and light all the other candles, put on the tree, etc. throughout the house.

It’s lovely, quiet, and, truly, magical.

I like to joke that I celebrate everything from the end of October through the 6th of January. I have many happy memories of St. Nicholas Day, and Christmas, and all the rest. The fact that I mark Solstice doesn’t negate those good memories, and I build on them.

I wish you blessings and abundance and all that is good.

Have a wonderful holiday.

There will be a new full moon meditation on Cerridwen’s Cottage for January 1, our next full moon.

Blessings and peace.


Tues. Dec. 5, 2017: St. Nicholas Day

December 5, 2017

chocolate santas


Actually, St. Nicholas DAY is tomorrow. Tonight is the night — the night where we put out our shoes, and tomorrow morning, discover them filled with treats. Before you say “ewww” — sometimes there are special shoes (I have actual wooden shoes bought in Volendam, Netherlands), or, at the very least, the treats come in little bags. So, no, they’re not all sweaty and gross.

St. Nicholas Day is a family tradition that I’ve chosen to keep and celebrate in my own life, even thought I’m not much on saints and what they represent in organized religion. It’s something my family celebrated ever since I can remember, something my parents celebrated when they grew up in Europe.

Nikolaos was actually a Greek bishop in Myra, Turkey, and buried in San Nicola, Bari, Italy. He was called “The Wonderworker” and known for helping the needy.

The whole “filling stockings” came about as the legend of a poor man with three daughters who hung their stockings by the fire. St. Nicholas dropped a bag of gold down the chimney and it landed in a stocking, providing the dowries for marriage. From then on, any gift from an unknown giver was attributed to this bishop. He was also known at the patron saint of children and sailors.

As a living man, he was exiled from Turkey by the Emperor. In 1087, his bones were stolen by Italian sailors and reburied in the church bearing his name in Italy.

It’s likely sailors took the legends with them when they returned home, and that’s how the stories spread through Europe. In some traditions, Sinterklaas (as he’s known in the Netherlands) has a sidekick, the dark-skinned “Black Peter” helping him deliver toys, candy, and oranges to those deemed “good.” And coal to those deemed “bad.” Remember, in those days, oranges were rare in many parts of the world, and sailors depended on them to stave off scurvy. Another indication that sailors contributed to the evolving legends.

That evolved further into travelling by sleigh, and horses transformed into reindeer who then began to fly. The UK started calling him “Father Christmas” and moving his gift-giving to later in December.

There are dozens of conflicting legends from which to choose. It’s fun to read an array of them to see where they differ, what’s similar, and how they are a snapshot of what was needed by the people of the time.

Our family celebrates St. Nicholas and Santa Claus as two different figures. St. Nicholas comes on the night of December 5th and fills the shoe left out for him. Santa Claus (who I consider the personification of the Spirit of Giving), delivers the big stuff on the night of the 24th.

Both figures are a reminder that there is still kindness in the world, how it is important for each of us to personify the Spirit of Giving whenever we can, and that we need to remember to give thanks.

Next post will be for the Winter Solstice, December 21.



Nov. 16, 2017: Night of Hecate

November 16, 2017

Nov. 16, 2017
Day Before Dark Moon
Neptune Retrograde
Uranus Retrograde
Celtic Tree Month of Reed

Before we get into the Night of Hecate, just an aside pertaining to Kami of the Hearth. When I opened my book of daily meditations for Nov. 8, it named Oki Tsu Hime as the Japanese goddess of kitchens for that day’s meditation! I love synchronicity.

Back to Hecate.

I think of this time of year as the “Season of Hecate” starting on October 1 and going through mid-November. This is the time of the Crone, the time to put the yard to bed for the winter, the time for divination and to honor the dead (when you’re in the Northern Hemisphere).

Also, as I’m getting older and preparing to enter Cronehood myself, I find myself turning more to Hecate. She’s a Triple Goddess, but known best for her Crone aspect, and often called “Queen of the Witches.” It’s not just about the oft-touted “wisdom of age.” It’s also about hitting a point where you’re tired of dealing with other people’s crap. It’s about boundaries. It’s about turning inward. It’s about sharing and supporting others, but at the same time, not wasting time on those who want someone to do it all for them and not put in any work themselves.

Hecate is honored at the crossroads, both literally and metaphorically. I have quite the crossroad a quarter of a mile from where I live — even has a graveyard on one corner. Of course, should I try to leave something there, I’d be hit by traffic!

Hecate is also connected to keys, and is considered to give the gifts of knowledge, intuition, and magic. (I choose not to spell it “magick”. That’s a personal choice; others do to differentiate it from the type of magic done by illusionists. I just call that type “illusion.” Again, personal choice).

I started some key magic on the full moon that I will complete tonight, in honor of Hecate, and with her assistance (I hope). No, I’m not discussing it publicly at this time — part of the whole “be silent” part of the work. Not because there’s anything hinky about it, but I have to give it the time it needs to prepare and to manifest, and to take my own actions to make sure it does. Discussing it in a tender stage, unless you’re brainstorming with those with whom you’re doing the ritual, is counter-productive. It’s like talking too much about the book you’re going write — if you talk about it too much, the energy dissipates, and you don’t write it.

So, as I pass each crossroad in my travels today, I will honor it. I will visit the astral crossroads in meditation tonight, LISTEN to anything Hecate decides to share with me, and complete the ritual from there.

Then, I’ll take the actions I need to take to make sure it manifests. I’ll let you know when it does!

I wish a blessed Thanksgiving next week to all who celebrate it.

Tomorrow is Dark of the Moon, which we’ll discuss in a future post. Saturday is the New moon, which we’ll also discuss in a future post.

The next full moon is on December 3. I will post a meditation over on Cerridwen’s Cottage to build on the work we did last month. It’s most likely to go up the Friday prior to the moon.

The next post here will be on December 5, when we talk about traditional holidays and ideas to update and or align them with changing beliefs. Why December 5? It’s one of my favorite celebrations — St. Nicholas Day!



Kami of the Hearth and Experiences with the Two of Pentacles

November 8, 2017

Kami of the Hearth
According to Z. Budapest’s book, The Grandmother of Time, November 8 is a day to celebrate Kami of the Hearth. I’d never heard of Kami of the Hearth, but I like working with hearth and kitchen energies, so I thought I’d add her into my personal calendar.

I did some research. According to the Japan Talk website, there are eight million kami. They are spirits honored in the Shinto religion. Another site I visited said it can take up to ten years to learn certain Shinto rituals, because they must be performed perfectly.

Well, that makes it a little more complicated to decide to honor Kami of the Hearth a week before the designated day!

Looking at the Japan Talk site again, it seems Inari is the closest Kami to what I consider the hearth — she takes care of “rice, tea, fertility, and worldly success.” The fox is her totem — which also happens to be one of my totems. Patricia Monaghan has similar information about Inari that in her Book of Goddesses and Heroines.

The debate then became, do I honor Inari or a nameless “kami” of the hearth? Could I possibly honor both? Could I create simplified rituals to honor them, and then grow those rituals over time?

That’s what I’m trying to do today. I’m going to give thanks to Inari and to the unnamed hearth kami. I’m keeping my eyes open — when I visit Asian stores in the coming months, I will look for Japanese fox figures and small shrine buildings that I can use creating a larger, more permanent shrine to Inari/kami.

I will read more about Shinto practices, although I won’t train for ten years or be able to learn the “perfect” ritual. I will honor the spirits as best I can in the tradition I’m creating, and it will be, as life, a work in progress.

Two of Pentacles in the Tarot
Every Samhain, I do a reading using three decks whose layout mirrors a clock face. November is twelve, December one, January two, and so forth, with the thirteenth lunation in the center.

I use the Goddess Oracle, pulling one goddess to work with during the month. Then, I choose one deck as the “action” for the month and another deck as the “energy” for the month.

Last year, the Steampunk Tarot was the Action Deck and the Celtic Dragon Tarot was the Energy Deck. The upside is that you get to work intimately with those decks all year. The downside is that you can’t use the decks for any other readings that year (at least, in the way I’ve set up my altar and energetic work with those decks).

This year, I’m using the Witches’ Tarot as my Action Deck and the Medicine Woman Tarot as my energy deck.

When I did my reading on Samhain, my November goddess was Kuan Yin (Compassion). But both the action and the energy card were the Two of Pentacles. And, in my daily advice reading, the Two of Pentacles keeps coming up (I’m using the Tarot of the Four Elements for that).

Obviously, I need to balance this month.

That is absolutely correct. I’m working with two new clients, and my schedule has changed to accommodate them. I thought I was on a steady track with some other writing, and that’s been thrown into jeopardy.

Even though each card is a Two of Pentacles, each is a slightly different shade of meaning. Each image is different and striking.

In the Witches’ Tarot, the figure is a buff man holding a barbell with two pentacles painted on it, being offered green cash by several hands. It deals very much with physical force, energy, work. Which makes sense, since it’s the “action” card for the month.

The Medicine Woman card, called the “Two of Stones” shows a woman kneeling by flowing water, washing stones. It’s about one’s relationship to resources and reciprocity. Again, it makes sense as the “energy” card for the month. Redefining my relationship to the material work, neither giving too much, nor holding back and being untrue to myself.

And Kuan Yin reminds me to have compassion, as much for myself as for others.

The Two of Earth in the Tarot of the Four Elements deck shows two growing trees, each with a pentacle in the middle. It reminds me of the need to work together, and not rush into a new business relationship or make decisions too quickly. Find the kindred spirits and work slowly. Based on the disappointing news that changes the direction on a good many things received Monday evening, that, too, makes sense. A reminder not to make long-range decisions when upset, but work with others, review options, and make informed decisions.

Digging deeper, Gail Fairfield’s Choice-Centered Tarot tells me I am choosing a new physical, financial path. That is certainly true with the new work coming in, and with the decisions I have to make based on Monday night’s information (not trying to be cryptic, just can’t discuss it yet). It’s also a reminder to conserve energy, to use it wisely, not blow it all out or hold it all back. Again, ties in to the positional meanings of the cards for the month.

Janina Renee, in Tarot: Your Everyday Guide goes even further, pointing out the need to take on additional responsibilities, and the sense that we often feel pulled between our inner and outer lives.

Some other decks depict the Two of Pentacles as someone balancing on a tightrope, or holding one pentacle aloft and the other closer to the ground. Those would be different shades of meanings.

The decks I’m working with turned up cards that have the direct shade of meaning that makes the most sense in the situation. That’s why I believe, when faced with choosing decks in a reading situation, you are drawn to different decks at different times, and the deck with the most relevance has the strongest pull.

These cards are a comfort, that I can work my way through the month’s challenges in a positive fashion, while also reminding me that it will take work. In other words, much as I’d like to curl up in bed until the New Year, that is not an option on any level.

The next post will be on November 16, Hecate’s night.




Full Moon – Nov. 4, 2017

November 4, 2017

Forest Lake

This month’s full moon is interesting, because it comes close to Samhain. It’s the first full moon of the new cycle, yet its seeds were planted in the cycle that just ended.

I’m considering this a “Transitional Moon.” The ritual I’m doing tonight will incorporate the elements of what I worked on in the Samhain ritual, intentions for the coming year (personal ones, and also ones that encompass joy and justice on a larger scale) with transitions from the old cycle to the new cycle and the fulfillment of what I started on the last full moon, and what I continued to work on while the moon increased.

The longer I do this work, the more I’m grateful for the strict training I had early on, and yet the more I do spontaneous ritual. That means that I think through the shape and what objects, colors, scents, et al I want to incorporate into the ritual, but I don’t actually write down the ritual and memorize it ahead of time. I speak in the moment of ritual. I do write it down later, in my Book of Mirrors (which is different from my Book of Shadows — that’s fodder for a different post).

Because I’ve been doing this work for nearly two decades, my practice has evolved where spontaneous ritual works well for me. Without the grounding of my previous training, I doubt it would. The imagination and creativity can flow because it has a solid foundation.

Rather like writing. If you don’t build a solid craft house, your imaginative work can’t fly.

If you’re interested, there’s a full moon meditation over on Cerridwen’s Cottage. I’ve been talking for years about posting Meditations for Gaia. Instead of starting at Imbolc, which is always my intent, I’m starting with this, the first full moon after Samhain. Enjoy!

My next post will be on November 8, where we celebrate Kami of the Hearth.


Samhain 2017: Endings and Beginnings

October 31, 2017


 Tues. Oct. 31, 2017
Waxing Moon
Neptune Retrograde
Uranus Retrograde

This blog has been fallow for quite awhile now. I quieted down because I had trouble articulating the inner work I did. So much of a spiritual process is experiential rather than theoretical when you attempt to live your path.

I’m starting up again in an attempt to articulate this particular part of my personal journey. The writing journey is tied to it, and yet, in some forms, separate.

When will I post? I hope to post on turns of the moon and particular days that have meaning for me. I can’t promise it will be “every” day of a particular week, but I hope to post once a week or once every two weeks.

Since I moved from New York City to Cape Cod, many things have changed (understatement). As of March, I will be ready for my Croning Ceremony. I don’t mind many things about aging, although I resent losing physical strength. A good deal of that is on me, since I haven’t maintained weight training that would have helped. I need to add that back into my routine.

But my yoga and mediation practices have grown in beautiful ways. They have provided ballast through difficult and frightening times. I hope both continue to grow as I enter this new phase of life — chronologically, I am an “Elder,” yet I feel I know less (in some respects) then when I was much younger. Or maybe I’m wise enough to know how little I’ve always known!

But at least I’m curious enough to find out.

I suspect I’m in my second Saturn Return (the first hit early, and I think the second has, too). That would explain a lot of 2016 & 2017! I would have to re-run the transits in my chart and overlay them on my birth chart.

I have a garden here, which I couldn’t have when I lived across the street from the Port Authority Bus Terminal on the Deuce in New York. I’ve learned a lot about gardening (although never enough), and grown many of my own vegetables and herbs. My herbal knowledge has grown, although not as fast or as wide as I anticipated.

I moved here with certain expectations. Living here was my goal for years before I actually did it. At first, it was Wonderland. It seemed the reality of living here far surpassed the fantasy. But, gradually, they moved further and further apart.

Much of that is on me. I’d never been a civilian before. I spent my entire working life in the theatre. What did I know about the world outside of the arts? I only visited when I had to. Far too much of my dissatisfaction with my life here has been because I worked hard to be a “good sport” and to try to fit in (which makes no sense; I didn’t try to fit in during grammar school or high school or college, so why now?), and to meet other people’s expectations instead of my own. I capitulated far too often when I should have negotiated harder for a compromise.

NONE of the capitulations paid off. Not emotionally, not creatively, and certainly not financially.

I’m in the process of changing that. It makes certain people around me uncomfortable. Too bad for them.

I achieved many of my dreams throughout my life, especially on a creative level, because I wouldn’t capitulate. Or, sometimes, even compromise. I need to take back some of that youthful determination and meld it with some of the life lessons I’ve learned in the interim.

That is my focus for the next cycle. To use garden terminology, I have hacked away many parts of my life that are no longer working, and mulching, fertilizing, and preparing the ground for new plantings. Some will work, some will not. That’s all okay. Because I have every intention of enjoying every moment of the process.

Today, at this time of closure and fresh beginnings, let yourself release what no longer works. Remove clutter from your life — the human clutter and the object clutter. Make room for something fresh and new that can improve your life on all levels.

I will do my ritual tonight, and preparation for the coming year. I will cut away and put forth new desires. I will give thanks for all I have learned, and ask for blessings to use it wisely.

I’m planning my next post for November 4, the Full Moon.

Blessings on this night of Samhain and for the coming year!